"It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it."
Benjamin Franklin
Real estate is part and parcel of our environment and a representation of priorities. While financial success is paramount, it does not have to be sacrificed for doing the right thing.
Construction of Four, Prefabricated LEED Gold Homes
Voluntary designation of historic property on Federal Registry, award winning renovation of resources
Best practices at operating hotel properties (responsible sourcing, energy/water efficiency etc)
Lighthouse approaches projects for investment, innovation and impacts to the community and environment. Having developed projects that obtained LEED Gold certification to rehab and revitalization of historic properties to best operational practices in hotel operations, the environmental impact of projects and approaches are integrated in the approach of each project.
Real estate projects are part of a larger community, Lighthouse is proud to not only be involved but support non-profits that continue to make a difference very day:
Each partnership is structured with checks and balances of partnership and parties. Our partners have complete transparency of all financials, meetings, operations to ensure open book and open door policies.